sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

Heros in our lives

Heros what are they???? They are people that we admire for the things that they did or they are doing. There are a lot of heros that we can consider Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, soldiers and others. When we were children, the most of us, had a hero or a lot of them. Nowadays, we lost the conception of heros we consider the pop stars and forgot the people that really do important things for the humanity. Like said Cazuza "My heros died of overdose." And for you what are heros nowadays?

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

I really don't remeber what we did in the last class.. Yeah, I checked the book but I don't remember u.u
So, I'll talk about the last ''class'', when we saw the movie!
Uh.. on friday we saw WALL - E that is a movie about a cute dirty robot. He was made to 'clean' the earth, 'cause earth became so dirty that humans can't live here anymore. One beautiful day, a modern female robot, called Eve, came to the Earth to find a plant... and Wall- E thinks she's nice, she found the plant and they live a lot of adventures together and the humans return to earth. yay *o*
While we were watching the movie, we were eating pizza. This was my favorite part of the class. The pizza was really really good, except the chicken pizza. In my opinion the chicken pizza was too "watery''.
Tell me about your opinion, what do you think of the movie and the chicken pizza?
Gossip Girl -n

domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

Privacy, please.

Hey Guys, I know I'm a little late but "Better late than never" [?] So, I have to talk about privacy, that's what we were talking in the last class. Well, when we talk about privacy the first thing that comes to my mind is the bathroom. I think everyone passed for it: when you're using the bathroom and someone enters there. Or when you're in the computer and your mom starts to look what you're doing and asks: "With who you are talking, daughter? Why you pressed ESC when I arrived?"... This is the little things that happen [and makes me angry], but I think that we have a bigger invasion of privacy in the internet, because almost all the things that you do there you have to provide information about yourself. So, how do feel about it? Do you care about it or do you think that it's necessary in the world of today?