domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

I really don't remeber what we did in the last class.. Yeah, I checked the book but I don't remember u.u
So, I'll talk about the last ''class'', when we saw the movie!
Uh.. on friday we saw WALL - E that is a movie about a cute dirty robot. He was made to 'clean' the earth, 'cause earth became so dirty that humans can't live here anymore. One beautiful day, a modern female robot, called Eve, came to the Earth to find a plant... and Wall- E thinks she's nice, she found the plant and they live a lot of adventures together and the humans return to earth. yay *o*
While we were watching the movie, we were eating pizza. This was my favorite part of the class. The pizza was really really good, except the chicken pizza. In my opinion the chicken pizza was too "watery''.
Tell me about your opinion, what do you think of the movie and the chicken pizza?
Gossip Girl -n

3 comentários:

  1. I liked the movie! WALL-E is so cute *-* and pass to us a good message. And about pizza, all the flavors that I ate were good, but I really liked the strawberry with white chocolate.

  2. Glad to know you liked the movie, Maria Julia... In my opinion it's one of the cutest animation movies ever! It also makes us to think about our planet, our relationships and the future of humankind.
    The pizza was G-R-E-A-T! As well as your company! I had a wonderful time ;-)

  3. oh WALL-E was great, he is so cute, and Eva, ooownn *-* i felt in love with this movie, and the message that it pass to us is very important, i mean, we have to take care of our world to things like that won't happen
