domingo, 15 de novembro de 2009

Privacy, please.

Hey Guys, I know I'm a little late but "Better late than never" [?] So, I have to talk about privacy, that's what we were talking in the last class. Well, when we talk about privacy the first thing that comes to my mind is the bathroom. I think everyone passed for it: when you're using the bathroom and someone enters there. Or when you're in the computer and your mom starts to look what you're doing and asks: "With who you are talking, daughter? Why you pressed ESC when I arrived?"... This is the little things that happen [and makes me angry], but I think that we have a bigger invasion of privacy in the internet, because almost all the things that you do there you have to provide information about yourself. So, how do feel about it? Do you care about it or do you think that it's necessary in the world of today?

5 comentários:

  1. Hey Brunny. :D :D
    Nice post!

    "With who you are talking, daughter? Why you pressed ESC when I arrived?"

    It happens all the time here. My mother seems so curiosity, that sometimes it makes me so angry. ><

    Privacity is good, but just with limit. :)

  2. I completely agree with everything

    especially with the part of the mons they never respect our privacity.

  3. "With who you are talking, daughter? Why you pressed ESC when I arrived?"

    I think we don't have more privacy in this days, and that is so bad… I mean, I love when nobody knows where I'm, when I can run away from everything and everyone for a while… but I see that it isn't possible anymore, so sad :(

  4. Hi Bru...
    I think privacy is a very important thing in life. Having the choice of doing whatever you want giving no explanations to other people is excellent.
    When I lived with my mother I had many problems cause she was always "supervising" me. Nowadays, I can do many things by my own and nobody is trying to "watch" me.
    Anyways, I think it's a matter of time, privacy on your home is something that you achieve, it requires some time... But it happens one day. You bet ;)
    On the other hand, when you post things on internet I guess you're asking to be scrutinized, it is a public space. So you hardly get your things hidden.

  5. I really enjoy have my privacy but I don't mind to provide some of my informations to somethings, like.. my name and my e-mail, but when I need to give my phone number or my adress I think is too much ._.

    yay! I commented *o*
