quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

Hey people! So, today we discussed for a few minutes about the future, after the nice video of spanish and after we don't recive the "media lunas". Talking about that, do you really think that in the future we'll have all the things that were mentioned in the book? Like the genome in our ID cards? Do you think that this things can make we became more individualistic that we already are? Making the contact with people more rare and just being aware about the new tecnologies and forgetting about the people feelings? Ok.. I think that I had already wrote too much :D AEUHEA and i really hope that someone answer to this topic :D :*

5 comentários:

  1. I do think that most of the things in the book will esist in the future. Maybe san people do get more individualistc but I don't think that will stop having contact wifi other people

  2. I think that most of this things will exist, but some people won't have access to these things [probably will be expensive] and who buy this kind of stuff will have to reconcile and don't forget people's feelings, because technologies
    were created to facilitate our lives and not to depart us... '-'
    So, I think the cars could fly in the future and could exist a microwave that freezes! (?)
    PS: I really thought that the "media lunas" were for us._.

  3. I posted the comment above and I don't know why my name is not there. D:

  4. I think a lot of things that were mentionated in the book do can happen, some of they will become important, but there're a few ideas that won't be used by the whole society… and I also think that things like genome on ID cards will create more prejudice. The humanity can only go ahead if we broke all the barriers.
    And "media lunas" should've be made for us :(

  5. Developing technology can definitely improve our lives and make things easier. On the other hand, we don't know what the possible trouble it can lead us to... As much as we didn't know the misuses of internet and their consequences.
    Let's wait and see what happens. I guess it isn't in our hands...

