sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009

Today is October 31, or Halloween to the ones who know and celebrate this day. Halloween is also know as the witches day. An interesting thing about Halloween is that in the oldest days, it was celebrate as the end of the summer in Ireland, and to party that, they cultuate the deaths, weird right? But this came from the Celta's religion, and they considerated heaven as a happiness place, where there wasn't no hungry and no pain and well, looking to this side it was a good reason to have a holiday, but... they also believed the deaths came back on this day, to guide the bad people. But i think this is the nicest version, 'cuz to the catholics it was the All Hallow's Eve(vigília de todos os santos).Urgh, boring.
All the jokes, "candies or pracks" things were invented in the U.S and it's so sad that we don't celebrate this here. I mean, it will be nice to make pracks to our friends and enemys, won't it?

3 comentários:

  1. I like Halloween, but here in Brazil, 31 october is Dia do Saci --'

    I remember that one day, when I was 11, I went ask for candies with my classmates and we got a big pack of chocolate and some "trufas"! It was magic! *-*

  2. Well, it is a cultural matter. They celebrate Halloween there with the same "passion" we celebrate Carnival here. It would be very nice to have such a ritual in Brazil, but many people also says it is a kind of "Cultural Invasion" or a way to alienate people from their own culture.


  3. Halloween is a very nice and funny party, but I think so weird that some people can't celebrate this day because of their religions. However the most of people don't really care about this and celebrate of the same way, of course!!!!
