quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009


Hello Guys!

Here is our blog!
A place to express our opinions and practice our English...

Every week one of you is going to post a text, while the others leave comments.

The texts must be posted until Friday and the comments until Monday.

Don't forget: The posts need to be related to the subjetcs we are studying at the moment ;-)

Hope you have a nice time expressing your thoughts here! This space is yours!

Teacher Marina.

10 comentários:

  1. Hey! Brunny's friend here. :)

    Make a blog to comment about the english classes is a good idea. It's so... creative! And dynamic.

    Keep on!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Yuu! Feel free to visit and leave comment whenever you want!

  3. Now I can comment! ><'
    So... I enjoyed the Donkey! PS:Yuu is my friend... [and she commented before me]

  4. Hi biches, I'm 2 days late sorry. =D

    I need to discuss social responsibility one thing that many people don't care because they don't thing that they make a differance but everything, iven the smaller thins, meke a enormous differance in the wourd and it will follow you forever, everybody need tu understand there're 6 billions people and the nuber continus tu gat bigger, thing about the naxt generation they will think we are a bunt of selfish sons of biches.
    I think if we don't teke care of the natur shi will defend har self (New Orlans bring a bell).

  5. Pedro! Hellooo
    You have to write a post, not a comment ;)
    And please, write it right!


  6. hello I'm going to comment about social resposibility....I think we need to pay attention to the things that are happening around the world, but we need to take care about the little things around us and try to do the best action.


  7. I'm lost heheheheh... kisses for everybody!!!
