segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009

Hi biches, I'm 2 days late sorry. =D

I need to discuss social responsibility one think that many people don't care because they don't think that they make a differance but everything, even the smaller thins, make a enormous differance in the wourd and it will follow you forever, everybody need tu understand there're 6 billions people and the nuber continus tu gat bigger, think about the naxt generation they will think we are a bunt of selfish sons of biches.
I think if we don't teke care of the natur she will defend har self (New Orlans bring a bell).

3 comentários:

    tinha q se o pedro!

  2. slap Pedro's bad english hauhaahauhaha just kidding :P
    and I agree with him, everybody could help with something, even if it seems little, 'cuz everything will help.

  3. I totally forgot to comment D:
    uh, i think that social responsability is nice.
    don't ask me why, plz x_x
